Nourish: My “Theme” for 2021
Photo by Katherine Hanlon|
Not much for New Year’s resolutions, I’ve started a different practice. At the beginning of the year, I choose a word that’s a theme for the coming twelve months.
In 2020, that word was “acceptance”—to accept myself, my body, the world, the day as it was. If my back ached, I would accept that today my body hurt, even if that meant also accepting an accompanying limitation. If the day was cold and rainy, I would accept the rain, embrace its beauty, without longing for the sun to shine that day.
Yeah, needless to say, 2020 challenged me—and all of us—in ways I’d never imagined. It was exhausting, mentally, emotionally draining at times.
But despite that, I did learn to accept things. I planted a garden at my townhouse, accepting the limitations of growing herbs, flowers, and veggies in a narrow flowerbed instead of sprawling country acreage. As vacations and live author events were canceled, I accepted that my wanderlust would be unsated for the year, finding joy in long afternoon walks, perfecting my banana bread recipe, and tending my home.
I was fortunate. I know how many people suffered and struggled. And the year wasn’t without its struggle—losses and grief as I said goodbye to family members and a childhood friend. And we grieved the world as we knew it, because life post-pandemic, whatever that will be, will be different. A new normal.
So choosing my theme for 2021 wasn’t easy. I had a vague sense of what I wanted—something that represented my growing awareness that coziness with the ones I love is incredibly important to me, my desire to have a garden and spend time outdoors, my love of quality time shared with those closest to me, my desire to create a nurturing environment for work and play, and my drive to continue growing in my writing.
Cozy? No, not quite. Nestle? No, too similar to the infamous chocolate chip. Grow/growth? No. Deepening? No, that sounds ominous.
After searching, I settled on my theme for 2021:
Defined as:
to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.
to cherish, foster, keep alive, etc.
to strengthen, build up, or promote.
And I knew I’d found the word for my theme. Nourishing relationships. Nourishing creativity and career. Cherishing what matters most while strengthening it, growing personally and professionally—not growth for the sake of growth, but rather for the sake of sustaining, strengthening.
Professionally, this means balancing growth in my writing craft as well as the business side—increasing my income and helping readers discover my work while learning, playing, and nurturing my creativity. Sharing stories with readers while still letting myself play and have fun as a storyteller.
Spiritually, this means creating a space for magic and spirit in my life, pressing pause on more mundane concerns to connect to the earth and feed my soul, whether that means stargazing, meditation, tarot reading, or harvesting herbs in my garden.
On the home front, hubby and I are pondering ways to change our home environment now that it looks like we’ll both be working from home for the foreseeable future. With two people working from home, office space that’s tidy and functional is key, and there’s a growing focus on creating a tidy, organized home that manages to combine work and play, creativity and functionality, whimsy with practicality.
Whether it’s home movie night or an evening of board games with my husband, impromptu playtime with our lab mix Leo, snuggles with our senior kitties after an afternoon writing session, or maybe preparing for some camping later in the year, the goal is to create a living space that suits our lifestyle—active and outdoorsy but still cozy, with weekend hikes and trips to the farmers’ market, occasional yoga, lots of reading and snuggling and laughter, a kitchen that makes eating and preparing healthy meals easier…
Does it sound like I’m writing a real-estate ad or the copy for some sort of KitchenAid brochure? Sorry.
I’m trying not to “plan” too much for 2021 that relies on the world achieving that “New Normal,” because there’s so much up in the air. That’s the challenge of acceptance, carrying through, I suppose.
But nourishing? That means a focus on what 2020 taught me is so important: quality time with loved ones, a home that provides shelter while supporting joy and encouraging balance between rest and action, and cultivating a writing practice that helps me grow professionally and creatively in the year ahead.
As far as publishing plans, Tangled Souls, book 3 in the Witches of Willow Creek: Tangled Magic Series, is slated for release on Jan. 11. I’m working on a duology, The Witch’s Song and The Selkie’s Heart. Book One is in the final edits stage and book two is still being planned, and I have a Christmas/Yule short story/novelette in the works for later in the year. It’s more than I’ve published in previous years, but what’s life without a little challenge?
Nourish: to cherish. to Strengthen. to Sustain.
With that, here’s my vision board for 2021:
What about you? Do you have a New Year’s resolution or “theme?” Share your thoughts and comments below!